
Back To School Project

Children with special needs often face challenges in processing sensory information and learning in traditional settings. This can lead to frustration, isolation, and developmental delays.

We provide children with a variety of sensory and educational items tailored to their individual needs. These include:

  • Sensory toys and tools: These help children regulate their sensory input, improve motor skills, and promote cognitive development. Examples include yoga mats, flash cards, ayo games, squishy balls, building blocks, learning charts, and tactile play mats.
  • Adapted educational materials: These materials are designed to be accessible and engaging for children with specific learning difficulties. They may include audiobooks, manipulatives, and specialized software.
  • Therapeutic equipment: We provide access to equipment like walkers, adaptive chairs, and communication devices, allowing children to participate more fully in daily activities.
  • For children with communication disorders, educational items like communication boards, visual aids, and interactive apps can facilitate language development.
  • Sensory experiences help these children regulate their responses to stimuli, promoting better attention, focus, and self-regulation
  • Develop essential skills: Sensory and educational items help children learn, communicate, and interact with their environment more effectively.
  • Increase self-confidence: Gaining new skills and mastering challenges builds self-esteem and motivates children to reach their full potential.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety: Sensory tools and calming activities help children manage sensory overload and feel more regulated and secure.
  • Promote inclusion and participation: By providing the necessary resources, we help children with special needs participate actively in classrooms, playgrounds, and social settings.

At Evangeline’s Care and Wellness Foundation, we believe that every child’s melody deserves to be heard and celebrated. Join us in creating a harmonious symphony of support, where hope is the heartbeat echoing in the laughter and joy of every child we have the privilege to support.